Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hinko Family Pics!!!

So my disclaimer is that: Aylson and her family are in Newfoundland....Mom, Dad & Mikel are in McMurray....Leslie and I are Edmontonish....and I couldn't decide on my favs to show them! So please have patience as the Hinko's self indulge in recent family pics. Jenny has the disc and no one else has seen any pictures yet! Thanks extended family!!!!

So here are a few, yes only a few of the highlights! Mom now you have some recent pictures of your clan and the rest of the Hinko's don't you wish you were a little nicer to me about the location???!!! ~Jenny


The Hudkins Family said...

Some really nice shots. The location was a good choice, Jenny!!!

The Hudkins Family said...

Wow! Really nice pictures. I tried to decide which was the best but I like them all. Thank you for sharing.
Gramma & Grampa

PaHa said...

The pics are awesome, we love seeing the little ones growing up (and the big ones growing up too!!!). Thank you for keeping us in the loop.

Love Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy

The Hudkins Family said...

Nice Pics you guys! You all look great!
Addie, Mike&Camilla