Monday, October 19, 2009


Happy 52 Anniversary!!!
I can always remember because it's the same month as mine and just add 2 to my birthday.
Did you ever think when you added 4 little babies to your family that you would end up with such a prolific number of grandkids and great-grandkids? Hope you take a day off the usual Monday morning vacuuming routine and do something else more fun together! Anyways, have a good day and a great year!
Luv, Charlene xxoo


The Hudkins Family said...

Thank you for the good wishes, Charlene.
We had a very busy day. We received 14 new missionaries from the MTC. Worked until after 6:00 pm and then went to a place called Good Buddies for Chinese food with some of our Empty Nesters group. Very nice.

Today we had transfer meeting. We had 13 missionaries going home, and then we worked at the temple. Grampa is sound asleep and I should be.

Thank you again for the anniversary wishes on the blog and also the phone calls we received. Fifty Two years have just flown by. No - we never dreamt we'd have such a great posterity. We love it!! Fifty two years ago our world revolved around only us two people. We lived in Winnipeg which was a greater distance in those days than it is today.

Love you all very much
