Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bird's Here

Well hello guys, haven't been on for a while but definitely enjoy reading all the blogs and seeing the amazing pictures that have been shared. Everyone looks so good and I can't believe how old everyone is now...SHEESH!

Things with Jon and I are good. He is finishing his last exam tomorrow and hopefully studying in the bedroom, although I think I hear remnants of the hockey game every few minutes....hmmm We are busy looking to move out of the apartment mode here and get something with a little extra room for the little extra person joining us. It is so hard to find things that fit what you need! I am still busy in my 2 kindergarten classes working with all my little people, they are fun but really tiring by the end of the day. We just got back from BC for a friends wedding and it was so nice to have a bit of a break and to relax a little bit. Wish we coulda crossed the border to come visit States Fam. =)

We went for our second ultrasound today and everything looked good. They got some great shots of her heart and her lips have arrived!!! Hehe Not that we were worried, but you never know =) Anyways I ended up having a student do the imaging and we received a free 2D shot and decided to purchase a 3D one. They are kinda cool, she something. Jon says Goblin but my mom says no way do Hinko's look like goblins and that must be a Bird trait! So here she is, a shot of my belly and us at the wedding. Enjoy and talk soon!

Love, Jon, Alyson and Helicoptor


The Hudkins Family said...

Cool pics of the ultrasound Alyson.
It's so awsome to see the miracle of life take shape.

Love you guys,

Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Hey - this is a cute baby. Definitely looks like a Hudkins. Well, maybe a little bit of Bird. Modern technology is so awesome. It must be a real spiritual experience for you and Jon to watch baby moving and to be able to see her. Thank you for sharing.I love how you look pregnant.

Now I can't wait to see Leslie's.

You were a handsome couple at the wedding.


The Hudkins Family said...


Thanks for sharing your was interesting to see the little one! Before you know it, she will be here! Take care!

Auntie Roxanne