Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The North is finally melting!

I just had to write after seeing Arland's trip pics....AMAZING!!!!! I am sure that it was an experience you will cherish forever, I bet it was worth every cent you had to save! Please share the most intereting thing that you saw or learned, what was the wierdest?

The house looks great Troy & Nancy gang! Pretty exciting to see it come together bit by bit.

All is good up here in the north. Alyson and Leslie are coming up this weekend for a community baby shower, so hopefully they get some cool things. Mom has bought them a few more 'mat' pieces of clothing. She is super pumped and quite the shopper! It will be fun to see them and spend time together. Mikel just finished Spring Break and spent the week visiting family in Edmonton, attending his first concert ever...the FOO Fighters....Graham and I took him, they were amazing! He said it was a bit loud, it was a rock concert though! Graham starts a shutdown this weekend so he will be working nights for 6 weeks or so. Hopefully it will fly by. I am subbing at my old school here is Fort Mac, I am in a grade four class until they hire a new teacher. It is pretty fun, they are a good bunch and the teacher that left was totally old school so the class work so quietly it is actually kinda wierd, but good!!!! It's a blast!

Mom and dad are well! Mom is getting excited for her Salt Lake Quilting trip with Auntie Sylvia...those two are hard core.

Oh, the snow is finally melting up here! WE CAN SEE GRASS WOHOO!!!!

Love Jenny


The Hudkins Family said...

I keep watching the weather and it just won't let up for you guys. We are supposed to get snow this weekend and I keep hoping it won't amount to much. Today I was watching a woodpecker climbing up the tree just outide our balcony window but I still haven't seen any robins although one of the temple sisters told us a few weeks ago that she saw one.

Thanks for your input to the blog, Jen. Enjoy your sisters this weekend.
