Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Grandma Here

Hi Everyone,
Grandma's back - Oh no ---GROAN, GROAN

Thanks for your posts. Glad the Jordan Hudkins crew had a nice little holiday. I bet the two short people enjoyed the zoo.

Cassidy, you didn't say what you were doing in Colorado. Were you
* Holidaying
* Checking out Post Secondary Institutions
* Hockeying
* All of the above
* None of the above
* Other


I have not done much scrapbooking in the past week. In fact, Grampa's been doing most of the cooking around here. One evening we had T-Bone Steak, so tender that you could cut it with your fork. Tonight we had HOT DOGS - (that you could also cut with your fork!!) He's done really well. He has also made lunches for us to take to work the past few days. Very much appreciated.

So far I have 82 pages (double-sided) scrapbooked. That's 164 pages!! I've finished the 1960's and working on the 1970's but find that some 1980 pictures are mixed in so there are LOTS of them! It has been a fun nostalgic trip.

I came across a 1974 Christmas letter I received from the missionary who baptized me. Robert Clark. I wish I could somehow track him down. He wrote that letter from Texas. They had just returned from 4 years in New Zealand and had 4 young children. It would sure be fun to find him. I tried going on the internet and looking up but didn't get very far. I don't even know what the mission for Winnipeg was called in 1958. Do any of you have an idea of how I could locate him? it is Robert Clark (with no 'e').

We are keeping busy at the temple and Employment Center. There are 5 weddings booked for the temple this Saturday. (extremely busy). Grampa will be doing the first one in the morning.

Really enjoy hearing from all of you and especially the pictures.

Love you all. Keep up the posts.