Sunday, April 6, 2008

Heat Pipes

Wel, here we are MacKenzy, Nancy and I running over 2300 feet of tubing on the top floor (this better be the best heat ever).

We had a little rain but still got things done.

There was a lot of working going on, Oh but not when Kenz had chips in her mouth trying to look like a duck.

Here is a mini video I took with the digital camera, I don't know how good it is but try it anyway.

This is when Nancy and Kenzy needed a break.....

We Love you all and Appreciate all those who participate in the blog.

Love Uncle Troy


The Hudkins Family said...

I left a comment here last evening but it didn't take - so I'll try again. Your house is looking great. Now comes the cement pouring over your heating, huh?

Your little video is pretty neat.
Nice beak, Kenzie!
