Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No Noise

No one on the blog for a while, so I'll let everyone know what is going on in the U.S. The top floor was poured on Friday, not as good a job as the other floors (it is what it is). Pat and Cass rolled trusses today and Rob started on the stairs. The roof should be on by Friday. The plumbing is about 1/4 done.

Nancy and I stayed home for our anniversary, Didn't do much. We had ten people here for pizza and ice cream cake for Pats' birthday (25 today).

Take care all,

Please write soon, we love to hear from everyone.

Troy and Nancy


The Hudkins Family said...

It keeps progressing one step at a time. Good Job!


The Hudkins Family said...

Hope you got the roof on before any real storm hit, Troy!! We have a lovely spring storm here in Edmonton on this Sat. aft. The unsettled weather is supposed to last the week-end and then start clearing come Mon. Hope you-re feeling a little better Nanc.
Love to all,