Monday, April 7, 2008

Old guy finally on!!

I've read with interest the blogs and have enjoyed the pictures, but have been reluctant to get on, I don't know why!! I guess I've been afraid to get on in case I'd like it. Great pictures Arland, and enjoyed your brief travelog. You must have had a great time. Hope you're feeling better by now. Thank goodness you didn't get sick over there and were able to enjoy the time away.

Sure have enjoyed the pictures of the progress on the house and i'll bet the whole family has learned a lot about "stick" building. What a rare experience, you are all so lucky.

Love ya all,
Grampa .


The Hudkins Family said...

Well Grampa, Now you can say you are no longer a virgin (blogger that is) anymore. I hope this will give you the experience you need. Now that you are not a virgin, you just have to DO IT MORE, it gets better every time...

Luv ya, Troy