Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hello everyone from the RichHudCox lol...*are last names squished in*
We just got back not to long ago on our lil family get away..! We went to Calgary and took the kids to the Zoo..and the science center all i can say is Fun ooh and the tower...that was fun too! Kids were really crabby at times...but it happens, i don't blame them that's aot of driving we did...Then we went to Edmonton! Went to my Fave place...Good old IKEA, i could have been there for hours but the boys were not having that ha ha "Like Father, Like Son" i always say! After that we pretty went to Athabasca to have a night with my grandma.....then it was homeward bound...was nice to get out with just the four of us, but was nice to come home and sleep in my OWN bed haha sleeping with the kiddies was a lil hard since they move soooooo much!! Now were just doing some things around the house..and also getting ready for Austins Second Birthday!!! Nutts!! He will be 2 on Friday, and were going to have a lil party for him on Saturday! Our baby's are growing up so fast! Keisha is almost done pre-school she will be having her Grad new the end on May! I'm so happy and proud of both the kids! Jordan is doing real well...Work..Work..Work..hah nothen to much new there! Poor guy, but someone has to bring in the Cheese ;)

Posting Up Photos Soon!

Take Care All...
Kristina, Jordan & Kids


The Hudkins Family said...

Sounds like you guys had a good time. I remember taking the boys to the Calgary zoo and seeing a Swan Hills Grizzly! It was the biggest bear I've ever seen! I'm glad you are all home safe and sound. I'm looking forward to Austin's party on Saturday afternoon. See you then!
