Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pics from Salt Lake

Hey guys! This blog thing has really taken off! It's so awesome!! I had the opportunity to be at the saturday morning session of conference IN THE CONFERENCE CENTER!! It was a very neat experience!! We left wednesday night at 3am and got to Salt Lake on Thursday night. We spent all day Friday touring around and seeing mikes Mission! It was really neat to meet some of the people he taught and see the sites. We had an amazing lunch at Cafe Rio!! I wish we had those in Canada! Best mexican food ever!! We drove back alll night saturday after the priesthood session and made it just in time for the afternoon session on Sunday! Not many can say they watched conference in two different countries on the same weekend! haha
Anyways, here are some pictures! Hope everyone is doing great! Love you all,


The Hudkins Family said...

The pics are nice Addie, I'm glad u and Mike had a good time. I'm jealous that I haven't been able to go to Salt Lake yet.

Love you Mike and Addie,
Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Great pictures, Addie. - and a wonderful experience for you. Wasn't it a thrill to sustain a new prophet?

Hope you had a wonderful birthday.


The Hudkins Family said...

Sure are some nice pics. Some one has an eye for creativity. Who took them? Looks like the weather is very nice in Salt Lake.

Uncle Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

Hey, another Mike, but he sure is a looker!!, just like all the other Mikes. Welcome to the family, Mike. Good job Addie!!

Auntie Sylvia