Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pictures from china

Hi everyone I'm back from china!!! It was lots of fun and a great experience. Here are some pictures

Our band was combined with other bands from across
Canada and we were able to perform in the forbidden
city concert hall.

It was a nice clear day at the great wall.

The Pearl Tower is Shanghai's most famous radio tower.

The temple of heaven is very unique in its traditions and architecture

The forbidden city has tones of old Chinese history

Tienamin square (don't know how to spell) is a huge plot of land covered in concrete


The Hudkins Family said...

Those are cool pics Arland, I wish I could go, it must have been awesome.

Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Wow! now I'm anxious for you to tell us about everything.

How is the jet lag?


The Hudkins Family said...

Wow, Awesome pics Arland. I bet you had a great time. I would sure like to get there someday. What a great memory to share with everyone!

Uncle Brent