Monday, April 7, 2008

General Conference

Just a short note now that Jenny has gotten me on here;
This weekend Leslie and Alyson were up tp Ft. McMurray for a Community Baby Shower. I had seen it on our local channel and phoned right away and registered them. Then I thought they probably won't be able to make it. Then they both decided to come and I thought I hope it's not lame after driving 10 hours for it. But, it was quite well done and they got a lot of free stuff in their little bags. Plus, I found out about a Doula Course this coming weekend which I have decided to take. A doula is a labour coach and it is something I have always been interested in.

Louis is out of town in Red Deer until Wednesday and Graham is on straight nite shift for a few weeks shutdown, so it is a little weird at our house right now. Mikel is "the man" at the moment.
Jenny is subbing at her old school in a grade four class until they can hire someone else.(a teacher was unable to finish the year out due to health reasons - and I think they are not trying to hire someone else too quickly in the hopes that Jenny will just stay) I just finished a song practice for a young lady I have agreed to accompany at music festival and have a message on my phone to call her high school back for another possible little job. A person could be as busy as they wanted to at this time of year.

How did everyone enjoy general conference? I thought President Monson was great and particularly enjoyed the last session when he was a little funny! I really enjoyed when the choir did arrangements of Primary songs - they are always my favorites.

Write again soon!( maybe )

I have really enjoyed the pictures on the blog of both China and the house building!