Monday, April 21, 2008

Hahn Picture

Grandma had Brent scan this picture so it could be sent to everyone. We thought it would be nice to put it on the blog so everyone could see it. Hope you all enjoy!!!
The one and Only
Uncle Troy


The Hudkins Family said...

This picture was taken at the farm at Lacombe about 1950 or 51.
Back row: Erhard, my Dad Julius, Arthur & Adina.
Front Row: Erna, Betty and Linda sitting on my mother Emilie's knee.

The tower thing that you can see in the back was a wind-charger. We had a bunch of batteries in the basement that stored electricity for a 32 volt electrical system. The wind-charger charged up the batteries. When there wasn't enough wind, my Dad had a Delco motor in the pumphouse that he ran to charge them up.

We had moved from the farm near Edmonton where we used coal-oil lamps. When we got the 32 volt electricity and had one light bulb glowing in a room we thought we'd died and gone to heaven.

Neat car in the background, huh?
