Tuesday, April 8, 2008

deceased !

On April 7th 2008 at 10:45pm, we lost a beloved family member. Millie....Hudkins. I can't remember the middle name and we even had a naming ceremony!

Millie was the first hamster to fulfill a life in our house. She was a good hamster. She lived with happiness and love. Her only imperfection was a missing toe on her top, left, paw. She never bit a finger, toe, or nose. On April 8th 2008, at approximately 7:45pm there was a tree side funeral service held. The guests were Arland, me, and the cat.

R.I.P millie 2006-2008
looooooove, emma


The Hudkins Family said...

Our sincerest condolences to you, Emma. Looks like you had a wonderful funeral with the elitest of friends.

I'm sure Millie is very happy in Hamster Heaven probably enjoying being with her hamster ancesters. I wonder if her mother has the same toe missing.


The Hudkins Family said...

Sorry to hear about you hamster. It was nice of you to do this for her.

Uncle Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

Our deepest condolences to dear old Millie, she will be deeply missed, but not forgotten by all of us in the U.S.

Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy