Monday, March 31, 2008

Stewardship Report

Well, I'm here to report my progress. It is now just after 12:30 a.m. on Monday, March 31, 2008. I just finished page #41 (double sided) and am about half way through 1950 in scrapbooking the pictures. That, of course, includes a few pages that only have ONE picture on them - maybe 6 or so. Do they count? This is a time consuming project but enjoyable.

I love all the family updates on the blog. Please keep them coming.

Time for bed for this old lady,

Love to you all,


JonB said...

Hello, I was wondering if you know of any pictures of Ace Hudkins Barn? I am a gallery owner curating an exhibit of works by Duncan Spencer, and there is awonderfl watercolr from 1945 entitled "Ace Hudkins Barn" I would love to know the actual location and history behind the painting. Please let me know if you an help! Jon Bock