Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Amelia Update!

We looking forward to hearing about the Stannix babe! Can't wait to meet that little person.
At our house we are still drooling over our little lady and still seriously in love!! Just a few pics for you all, we can see changes already.
So Amelia is sporting her little hat which sadly is getting small, hard to believe she's grown so much already. At her two week visit to the Health Unit she weighed in at 7lb 1oz - she's porking up and we are so happy about it!!! I love her look here.
The official 2 week photo! Not very impressed with the photo shoot.

This is an awesome pic capturing how we passed time at the Polischuk's this week. With my mom taking care of us all and with Alyson, Jacey, Leslie and Kingston visiting we had to stay entertained somehow. Note the above pic of Kingston and Tula battling over food crumbs from Grandma.

Amelia's second bath (by her dad)! Her mom was asleep for the first bath at home and didn't get any pictures. She is actually ok with the warm water, she hates being cold though so the transition from clothes to water must be quick.
We are getting into a groove together as a new family of three. We love it!!
Life is good! Lots of Love ~ Amelia, Graham & Jenny


The Hudkins Family said...

Love the pictures guys. She is so beautiful and growing.

Love Ya
Auntie Nancy Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Yes - she is a beautiful little lady. We are pretty proud of all our great grandkids.

Gramma & Grampa