Sunday, June 21, 2009

I just wanted to send out Birthday wishes

Auntie Charlene June 4th
Christopher June 19th
Mathew June 20th
Liza, Mike #3 June 21st
Calorado June 22nd
Leslie June 26th

Happy Anniversary
Addie and Mike #4

Yes we do have a busy weekend. Mathew and Liza are here this weekend to celebrate all the birthday's together, with Fathers Day as well. Cassidy and Jeanine had to fit in her brothers birthday yesterday as well. These are the only birthdays I know of for June if I missed anyone someone let me know and we can add them. We do have the arrival of MISS Amelia as well for June and it is not over yet TBA Stannix may make their entrance in June as well. What an full Month!
Love You All
Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy


The Hudkins Family said...

Oh yes, June is busy - and I didn't get a card away to anybody. I'm just not getting it together these days.
Leslie's birthday is June 26th, the same day as Addie & Mike's 1st anniversary. And I just found out that Mike3's BD was yesterday as well.

We, of course, can't forget that Charlene had the BIG one on June 4th!!

Happy Birthday to you all.

Gramma & Grampa

PS I just noticed that we are over 1100 hits on the blog!