Thursday, June 11, 2009

Announcing Amelia Ann Polischuk!!!

Baby Amelia just chillaxin on the bed by her mom!
Mommy and Amelia just loving and cuddling
Jenny thumb upping how excited she is about her person!

Not too impressed about all the picture taking, but too bad!!

The Happy Family for the first time, she is well loved!!!

Alright, alright, hold your horses!! Here she is: Amelia Ann Polischuk, born 11:59am on June 10/09. Weighed 6.9 pounds and was 20 inches long, with her dark hair, and bum chin. (Mom and grandma would say her dimple chin, but I prefer bum) We are happy she is here and both mom and baby are doing fantastic!!!


The Hudkins Family said...

What a wonderful family. I couldn't wait so I cheated and found the pics on face book, thanks for posting,love all the pictures. She is a beautiful TBA. I am so excited for you both. Love ya Lots

Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Yes - she is beautiful. We are thrilled. Jenny & Graham did a relly good job! Everything about little Amelia is exactly perfect.

Now the count-down for baby Stannix, the next perfect little person.


The Hudkins Family said...

What a beautiful little girl! We can't wait to meet her! Jenny & Graham, you did real good!

Auntie Roxanne & Uncle Brent