Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hi everyone!

It's been such a long time since I posted, I forgot how and had to get Brent to help me! I also have to confess, like Garth, that I read the blog (almost daily) but seldom add comments! Writing does not come easy to me!

Brandon & Barb's wedding was beautiful! It was a wonderful time and it was so good to see family & friends! We are getting excited for Jordan & Kristina's will be here before we know it! Here's a pic of all of our grandchildren... they're awesome!!!

I go out and watch our garden grow almost every day! It's amazing how much it can grow in a day or two! It has been very smoky here for the last few days as there are many wildfires. Highway 63 was closed for about 1 1/2 days but I believe it is open at this time...but who knows for how long.
I am heading down to Barrhead for the weekend as my dad is not doing well. Brent will be getting off from working 6 night shifts on Saturday morning and has an appointment on Monday so I will be going down solo.
Anyway, that's about all for now. Hope everyone is healthy and happy!
Brent & Roxanne

Highway 63 had been closed for about a day and a half due to wildfires with the possibility of 881 closing as well.


The Hudkins Family said...

I better be sure to comment first and meet everyone's expectations!!

Your grandkids are a handsome crew. Pretty soon you will be ahead of us in numbers. Thanks for sharing the picture. It's a keeper!

We are praying for rain on those fires.

Gramma & Grampa

PaHa said...

Thanx or posting Roxanne, it is so nice to here from everyone, it makes us feel as though we are closer. The Grandkids are sure a big crew, that's awesome, it is neat to see the pics. We can't wait to meet all the extended family that we haven't had a chance to see. That is what makes it so wonderful to see the pictures.

Our prayers are with your father.

Take care, we love you all,

Troy and Nancy :)

The Hudkins Family said...

It is wonderful that we are all so eager to stay connected, this blog is fabulous!! I think that we are all frequent checkers of the blog just infrequent writers.

How cool is it that you have such a great crew of grandkidlets! Oh bring on Christmas when they are all together, I loved holidays when all of the cousins could get together - fun times!

The wedding was awesome and we can't wait for the next, such an exciting year for your family in particular!

Love ya Jenny

The Hudkins Family said...

Here comes 'Johnny Come Lately' Like you Jen, I really enjoyed when the family always got together at our house in Fort McMurray. Sure miss those times, but we can now look forward to weddings and 'New Baby' gatherings, when many are together. How nice is that? You're very lucky Brent & Roxanne to have such a nice crew of grand kids!! We're happy for you!! Love ya lots.

Grumpy & Gramma