Tuesday, June 9, 2009

These cousins...boy oh boy!!

What a suckie stealer!! These two are hilarious together and cannot wait for their other cousin to join us. What a gongshow that will be. (Seattle Fam- preview for our visit!!!) -Love the Birds


The Hudkins Family said...

What a cute video. Thanks for sharing.

Kingston has a definite role to play as the senior boy cousin. He'll have to teach all those girls the finer things in life like: catching polywogs, skipping rocks, blowing knees out of pants, speeding down a toboggan hill at 90 miles an hour and watering the lawn WITHOUT the benefit of a garden hose. (yes, Louis, it will happen!!) Those sweet little girls will get educated. You can count on it.

We so enjoy watching the growth of our family and love you all really really much. We are excited for the addition of the TWO new precious people. Tomorrow we get to see the first!

Love to all,
Gramma & Grampa

PaHa said...

Thanks girls for putting this on for us. We love seeing them. It was neat to watch the video. Please do more when you can, WE LOVE THEM!!!!!

They are too cute.

Love Ya Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy