Monday, June 8, 2009

"Down for the Count!!!"

This is my first attempt to actually post on the blog (don't ask me to do pictures yet) as I'm a greenie still and have just figured out the comment thing! But I am down in Edmonton waiting for Jenny and Graham's baby to make an appearance. Just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading the blog and looking at the pictures even if I don't really do my part, so keep up the good work all you computer techies!
Auntie Charlene


Jon and Alyson said...

GO MOM!! Look at you, you computer whiz! The Bird's are proud.

The Hudkins Family said...

Good job Charlene - now that you know we should hear from you often.


PaHa said...

Thank you for getting on and commenting... more than that thank you for actually blogging. If everyone blogs, there will always be something for everyone to read. It is especially nice for those farther away as it helps us feel like we are in touch with the goings on of the family.

Love Troy and Nancy