Sunday, June 14, 2009

from the Rockies

Congratulations Graham and Jenny! You have certainly been blessed!! I am having a hard time keeping up with all the happenings within the Hudkins clan. It is exciting though. I must confess gramma, I am one of the ones who visits the blog but does not always comment. I can't imagine all of you who are able to keep track of the blog and keep up to date on face books too.

Barb and Brandon, sorry we could not make it to the wedding. Our Children said it was a wonderful wedding and reception. Congrats to you both, we are very happy for you. Welcome to the family Barb and children!

The end of the school season is upon us and I can tell that Arland and Emma have had enough of school. We had recently attended Emma and Arlands year end band concerts. Boy are the band kids ever talented, they sounded great! We are very fortunate in Rocky to have a husband and wife band teacher team who do an absolutely wonderful job with the band programs.

We have finally had some summer type weather. The garden is growing, but the fruit trees and raspberries are slow in blooming. It has been nice to be able to work out in the yard and garden.

We are anticipating the new arrival in the Stannix family, and the joy of being first time grandparents. Addie is looking healthy and has stayed physically active during the pregnancy, I was watching her in amazement the other day as she ran up the walk of her house to retrieve something within the house. I am not sure a woman in her condition should be running like that! Addie is looking good and Mike4 is looking tired. He works very hard each day but seems to like it.

Well that's all for now. I will probably visit the blog about fifty times and then probably write again.

Love you all,
Garth and Family


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for writing, Garth. Someday I hope we can be at one of Arland & Emma's band concerts.

We are getting really anxious for Addie & Mike's little person. It is now the countdown!!

Little Amelia looks just like a beautiful little dolly, making Jacey and Kingston look like giants. Amelia seems like such a big name for such a tiny person. I remember how I thought the same thing when Charlene came home. Her name seemed so grown-up and big for such a tiny little girl, but everyone grows into their name and it always is the right one for the right personality.

I so enjoy hearing from everyone, and love you all very much.

PS: I love the counter on the side of the blog, Troy. Good job!!

The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for posting Garth and giving us the update on the family. We love knowing all the this going on in everyone's family. Hope one day we can here Emma and Arland with their instruments as well. We love you all.

Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy