Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

I tried to be the first - but Troy & Nancy stayed up until after midnight and beat me!!
What a beautiful and special tribute to your dad. Thank you for that. He has worked hard to deserve it.

HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the fathers in our family. Those who are already fathers, those who will be fathers and those who wanna be fathers. You are all the best. I am so very proud of each one of you.

I always remember something I heard somewhere, and I don't know where or when but it is that "Anyone can be a FATHER but it takes someone special to be a DAD." I'm here to testify that our family is filled with DADS. If anyone denies that - just tell them to talk to Gramma.

Happy Fathers Day to all the guys.

Love forever,


The Hudkins Family said...

Thank you for the fathers day wish Gramma. We have had a great day so far. Nancy and I both gave talks in church today, they went well and we got lots of compliments.

Love you, Troy

Jon and Alyson said...

Gramma, Good call on the Dad's in our family! We did definitely score out with real winners. Auntie and Uncle, we loved the video. Special, it makes me even more excited to come down for the wedding and visit you all!!! Love- Alyson, Jon and The Bird Girl