Thursday, June 11, 2009

TBA has arrived!

Not to steal Jenny and Graham's thunder, but in response to the miriad of phone calls, I just want to let everyone know that the blessed event has occurred! At 11:59 this morning Jenny was delivered by c-section of a little dark-haired girl who weighed in at 6lbs. 9oz. and is 20 inches long. (She is exactly one ounce more than her mom was.) We think she is pretty perfect, but you will have to wait for someone who is a little more computer savvy than me to post pictures (Al?) as Jenny and Graham are still at the hospital. Thanx to all for your prayers!
Auntie (Gramma) Charlene


Jon and Alyson said...

I know, I know I dropped the ball! I left the camera at the hospital when it should have been secured and brought home to post. hehe Today there will be a bigger post giving detailed photos and.....HER NAME!!! Wait for that one. Love y'all and show ya soon. -Alyson

The Hudkins Family said...

Hurray! Congradulations Jenny and Graham, We are so happy for you. We love you lots and cant wait to see her.

Cassidy and Jeanine