Sunday, June 14, 2009

Can't wait!

Hey everyone! It's so great to see so many new posts! I thought I would follow the crowd and put one up from the Stannix's. We are getting very anxious to meet our little person now with only a few weeks to go! All that's left to do is wait! The summer seems to be going by really quickly. We have found a place to live in Edmonton and will be moving up in August. We are really excited for all the things that are happening this summer. We hope that everyone is doing well!
Keep posting!


The Hudkins Family said...

Yeah Addie! I was hoping you would do another picture. You look great and we are anxiously awaiting the news.

Give Mike4 a big hug from gramma. I know he's working very hard. We're excited to have you in Edmonton.

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks Addie for the update and pictures, we love seeing them on the blog and look for them all the time. We are so excited for you and Mike and this little one. You look fantastic. We love you all.
Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Great pic cuz! Enjoy your last few weeks of quiet bonding...the post pregnancy bonding is pretty wonderful though!!!! It will be fun to have you live closer and get together with all of the wee folk.

Love ya Amelia, Graham & Jenny

The Hudkins Family said...

Hey Addie;
Your tummy has grown since the wedding - it looks great! Looking forward to your news next. Everyone is excited for you and Mike to be in Edmonton. You will be able to plan some cousin play dates. And I may get to see the baby more often!
Auntie Charlene

The Hudkins Family said...

You look great Addie, I hope your not getting morning sickness like Roxanne did for most of the time she was pregnant. But that was a long time ago and maybe Roxanne will correct me on that. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon, hopefully at Jordans wedding, if not maybe during our travels to Washington. Oh and hi Mike! Don't work too hard, just hard enough to get ahead but enjoy life and especially your family.

Uncle Brent