Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saying Hello

Hi Everyone,
Have you noticed the counter on the right side of the blog? In the past 48 hours about 100 people have looked at the blog but only one has made a comment. What's with this picture?

It has been an exciting week with the new baby. Jenny is getting so much company that she isn't getting the rest she needs. Hopefully people will begin to back off a little.

Grampa and I are way too busy. Last time he phoned, he was still #30 on the waiting list. Over the past month they had not received any cornea donors. The girl said that it doesn't happen very often, but occasionally it does.

Grampa's job at the office is busier than anyone else's. He's doing good work. Catching up on a lot of paperwork and getting a good handle on things. Last week he sold one car and detailed two others. He is putting in long hours. Way more than a 74 year old guy should. I'm trying to help but seem to be falling short. Hopefully, if I just keep the food cooked, laundry clean and the house in order that will help him somewhat.

I think we finally have summer. Today it got up to 28C and I understand it was up to 30 in McMurray. We sure need rain. Everything is very very dry. The farmers are suffering.

Our next big event is Addie & Mike's little one, the Hahn reunion at Chris & Terry's, then Jordan & Kristina's wedding and then Pat & Heather's. Whew! a busy summer!!

Love to all,


Jon and Alyson said...

Gramma, I don't know how you are so busy and still have time to post and comment. You truly are SUPERWOMAN/SUPERMOM/SUPERGRAMMA/SUPERGREATGRAMMA....I think I covered most!!! We love you guys lots and wait for grampa's cornea news also. Love The Bird Crew