Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Auntie Charlene is representing...finally!!!

So, don't faint everybody, but here are some family pictures, finally! Jenny is much smarter than me and figured out how to post them. They were taken just after Christmas at Fort Saskachewan. Hope you like them!
Thought I should let everyone know that the growth removed with my right ovary before Christmas was benign. That was such a relief, I can't begin to tell you. It is a very humbling exerience to face the possibility of cancer and causes you to really ponder your mortality and what you really believe!
We also have some very exciting news as we will soon be adding to our little extended family. The next pictures will have two new babies in it! Alyson and Jon are expecting the end of August and not to be outdone, Leslie and Mike are expecting the end of October. So, I guess I need to put on the rush to finish the last wedding quilt so that I can start on a couple of baby quilts!
We just spent a very enjoyable weekend last at a U.F.O.(un-finished objects) retreat. Mom and the girls and Sylvia were there. Sylvia and I were sewing but everyone else was scrapbooking.
It was very productive for everyone. The girls were working on wedding and honeymoon albums. Mom finished a whopping 48 pages! She is morphing into a scrapbooking machine!
The next one is in November. If anyone is interested, they should contact me and I will give them the phone number of the lady who organizes and books things.
You may have heard that Louis just finished with an absess tooth. He was on antibiotics for a whopping three weeks including two full days (48) hours of intravenous at the hospital every eight hours. I don't have to tell you it was not pleasant, but he has been back to work for six days now without a problem. He missed a total of nine days! I'm sure he hasn't missed that much in total in the last twenty years!
Should sign off now. Don't hold your breath for the next installment!


The Hudkins Family said...

Hey Sis,

thanx for writing, it's nice to here from u and to see the pics.

looks like all those boys are BIGGER than uncle Lou..... but that's OK... he's still the dad!!

Love ya all, Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

I love all the pictures. Now, all I need is one family pic for my wall.
