Monday, March 3, 2008

Polischuk's are on the wagon!!! Wohoo!!!

Hey family! I LOVE reading about what everyone is doing, thanks Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy for starting this and well done Grandma for being so pro.

We are trucking along, still crashing with my (Jenny's) parents and will be there until late summer/early fall. Graham is totally way more valued in the house then me; he can do heavy lifting - not that I'm not a beefcake in my own right and most importantly is into hockey. Needless to say Mom and I hangout alot! It is going really good, except all our 'stuff' keeps creeping and expanding into my parents house..poor them.

We too are building a house, we have to sell ours first...any interest in a cute bungalow in Fort Saskatchewan, AB?? It has been on the market since August, so a tad stressful. We've bought a lot in Fort Mac that backs onto forest, the other side of blueberry hill for old McMurray people...Timberlea has expanded that far. We felt good about moving back, sad to leave Edmonton family, good shopping and entertainment. Graham's momma Ann was diagnosed last year with ovarian cancer and was doing well when we decided to move but is again having to do chemo, pretty stinky. So we are still in Edmonton alot!

We snuck in a cruise this February during a super cold snap, ya for us! It was a blast, we visited Aruba, Curocao and a private island. We even rented a scooter, a first for us!!! It is nice to see new things and escape reality for a bit.

Big hugs to all! Love ~ Jenny & Graham


The Hudkins Family said...

Hopefully you can sell your house and then get the new one built. Tell Graham that I hope his mom is doing well and we'll be praying for her.
I also heard that Aruba gets virtually no hurricanes (they never had one for something like 70years) but one just hit it this last winter. It would be just my luck to retire there and get hit by a huge one.
Anyway, got to go, try to get your Mom and Dad to post something. Your Mom used to get good marks in school.(I was the non-performer) she should be able to learn how to post on the blog if some one showed her, right?

Uncle Brent