Friday, March 21, 2008

From The Rockies

Hello everyone, it sure is neat to go through the blog and catch up on all the news. Congrats to Leslie and Alyson! Great job on the chefing Cal and Nani! Troy and Nancy, your house is looking really good. I'm sure that you are all very excited. You know Gramma, you have become a real good blogger. (Is it ok if I call you for help if I get stuck on a blogging issue?)

I am not sure if everyone knows this, but Arland is currently in Bejing, China. This trip has to do with his band at school, they had 140 kids (grade 8 to 12) go on this trip and 40 adult chaperones. Arland left on Wednesday, March 19, and will be back home Monday, March 31. So as I write this blog it is currently Friday 1:30 pm here, that means it would be Saturday 3:30am in Bejing. They are 14 hours ahead of us.

I am sure that Arland will be tired after the trip as they will be busy with many sight tours, some of which include the following:
Saturday they will spend 8 hours touring the Great Wall of China.
Sunday they will have 4 hours at Tian Anmen Square and the Forbidden City.
Monday they will view the Olympic Games facilities and visit the Temple of Heaven.
Tuesday is all band concert practice and performances at the Forbidden City Concert Hall.
Wednesday is a touring and shopping day.
Thursday they leave Bejing and fly to Shanghai.
Friday they attend a Shanghai Acrobatic Show.
Saturday they perform a couple concerts in Shanghai, including a mass performance of all bands visiting from Canada and the U.S.
Sunday they start boarding planes and make their way back to Canada.
We are all excited for Arland!

With Arland in China and Addie in Red Deer, Emma is finding it pretty boring with the two old people that are left in the house with her. Emma received her report card from school and is doing excellent! We are very pleased with her grades! All in our family are doing fine. We sure enjoy the blog, this was a great idea Troy and Nancy!

Love you all! Garth and family.