Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Helicopter AKA Baby Bump

Hey guys, I can't believe how often people get onto the blog and post. It is really quite awesome to think of where all our families live and where were posting from and yet, how often we chat. Jon thinks our family is just one of the best and I have to agree!

People have been asking me to post some fat belly shots and so I am. We went for our first ultrasound on Friday and got a couple shots of little Helicopter and some news that it is a little lady. Jon said that Bird's make boys, but I told him Hinko's make girls soooo we'd see. I guess I win! Although it is still early and alot can change...or grow! Anyways glad to hear from everyone and keep writing. We love reading all the blogs. Love you all: Jon, Alyson and Helicopter


The Hudkins Family said...

awww you look so beautiful!!!!!

love kristina jordan and kids!!!