Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Hello to all!

Our first post!..We know, Its about time haha!

We will add lots of photos and lots of videos!
Keisha is doing great as you all ready know. Shes getting so big and so smart, shes a funny one. And Austin is also getting so big, im sad that my baby boy will be 2 soon hahha.. How time flys by soo fast. Its funny to see these to fight. The Sibling Love. haha

Oh boy i cant not wait for spring, im getting tired of Old Man Winter!.

Lots of stuff to do around here...Spring cleaning yay.. Not

But im going to run for now..We will add some photos up real soon!
Take Care

Love : Kristina, Jordan, Keisha & Austin <3


The Hudkins Family said...

That is a really cute picture you guys! I love it!