Friday, March 21, 2008


Hey guys!
We just heard from Arland...thought I'd post what he wrote to us! so here the words of Arland...

"I am in my hotel room in bejing.. I just woke up to smog and more smog this saturday morning..... the smog here makes it hard to see any scenery..... the hotel that I am staying at is beautiful... the room is awsome.. it even has a comp with internet....I had to take 3 air planes to get here... they are really neat... we had to wait like 12 hours in vancouver and like 5 in hongkong.... and flying here we skipped all of thursday exept like the 3 hours in vancouver.....we couldn't see anything below while flying to bejing cuz it is so smoggy... I am on the 9th floor of the hotel which is closer to the bottom than the top... it is really pretty in bejing.. if they didn't have the smog it would look alot better... today we get to tour... I think that we are going to a temple then to the forbidden city.. it will be really cool..... I am really exited to see the rest of the city..... the city has 16 million people living here so it has alot of sky scrapers everywhere.... It is soo cool... it isn't too much different than canada though... well Ill keep you posted... love you lots..."

We'll keep ya guys updated!!


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for the update, Addie. I look forward to hearing more of Arland's great adventure.
