Thursday, March 13, 2008

Life in Red Deer!

Hey Family!
Its so great hearing from everyone! I love all the pics that have been posted! Sounds like everyone is doing great!

Not too much is new here, but I have some funny pics I thought I would share. Mike and I were at a YSA dance for valentines and it was a blast! He's the best at dipping! lol And he's also great at Hockey! He's taught me a few things on my skates, so its been a lot of fun!

Winter is almost over here, all of the outdoor rinks are melted and there's brown grass everywhere! But it's about time in my opinion!! haha Mike and I finished making all of our invitations this week which is really exciting! We need some addresses so we can send them out if you guys could facebook me or e-mail me ( your addresses that would be awesome!!

I just got all my courses figured out for next year and have been trying to register for them all morning. It's a lot of fun! We're just staying here next year, which is nice because school is a lot cheaper and so is living! We're going to look at some apartments this week...Friends of ours found some decent places for $675.00 /month which is way good....for Red Deer....So it's exciting!
I hope everyone is good!! Keep up the blogging, I love reading them!!
Love always,


The Hudkins Family said...

Nice update, Addie. Thanks for sharing. Cute pictures.
