Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Bird's have arrived!

Hey y'all! Jenny is here this weekend and has shown me how to get into this thingy here, even though my husband did computer programming...go figure!

Things with us are still moving along. Jon is still in school at NAIT and finishing his last year in accounting and so the stress of that will soon be over. I am working two jobs with the school board. Both in Kindergarten classes in AM/PM and really enjoying it, minus the poopy pants that occured last week. Sheesh! Must be trying to get me ready for baby time.

Speaking of baby time, the belly has arrived. I have moved into the maternity tops and gladly moved into the pants a few weeks was about time. =) Went to the doctors this last week and heard the heartbeat. Exciting! Jon thought it sounded like a helicopter and has decided that baby bird will now be refered to as Helicopter until it is born. We go for an ultrasound in a few weeks here too and will be able to find out if it's sporting an extra appendage or not! Fingers crossed that it's in the right spot hehe

Besides that everything is good. We've settled into a teeny tiny apartment and enjoying spending time together. Still recuperating from our Euro Trip and just loving seeing all the family developments and visiting with everyone. Kudos on setting up the blog, totally love it and am pumped to keep in touch!!! Love you all: Jon, Alyons and Helicopter


The Hudkins Family said...

PS My name is Alyson, not Alyons =)

The Hudkins Family said...

And we will be anxious to hear!

What a summer - a wedding - babies - a new house - Wow!
