Wednesday, March 19, 2008

yes its true, arland is on his way to china on this very day. Spring break is starting on friday and i will probably miss him. But addie will be out tomorrow so i won't be too lonely. So i said the snow was almost melted last time, but then it snowed again and so now it is almost melted...well hopefully. I haven't done too much lately. I lost my voice for a whole week. My cat is really grown and is catching mice like crazy. Not much is new at all. Just looking forward to summer basically. Easter will be here again in a couple days too. oh yes the pictures..from my picture last time everyone was wondering what it was from. Well i had a major flu called cavemen pocks. You actually think you are a cavemen and you start seeing spots all over your face! No actually we just dressed up like cavemen. haha and i bet you think the other picture is my brother and his friend!! actually no. That is me on the left and my friend, carla on the right. We look like cowboys! I had alot of fun that day. Glad to hear from you all! This is a good way to keep in touch with everyone. But i should go. Love you lots!!
Congratulations Alyson and Jon!
Keep up the good work on the house!
YAY to Cal and everyone else, i love hearing from you all!
and a special HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY MOM AND DAD!! (20 years!)


The Hudkins Family said...

Twenty Years - that's wonderful.
Cool pictures Emma. You should become a make-up artist for the movies.
