Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter from Gramma & Grampa

Hi Everyone,
We've enjoyed reading the blog. I didn't get on it for quite a while. Grampa is sitting beside me and says I should say "I couldn't get at the computer for quite a while because IT was busy with SOLITAIR! - (darn computer)" The truth being, I was busy doing other stuff.

Our retreat was very fruitful. I have all the pictures from 1900 to 1950 scrapbooked. Now I have to get busy and put names on them. I keep telling Grampa that's his job but he doesn't seem to agree with me. We went out this afternoon to get some more scrapbooking supplies. (I went into the stores. Grampa sat in the car and snoozed.) I love the Dollar Stores! Dad calls me the DOLLAR STORE QUEEN! I think that's a good thing, at least I'm the queen of something.

The retreat was fun because we had 3 generations at our table in a large room with lots of space to work. Well, at least I had lots of space. The others said I took up more than any of the rest! The tasty and nutritious meals were all prepared and the rooms were wonderful. Camp He Ho Ha is made for handicapped people, so the rooms are all wheelchair accessible. It is absolutely modern. Just like a hotel room, in a beautiful setting on Lake Isle. It was a great weekend.

Yesterday Alyson, Leslie and Betty came over and we made cabbage rolls. Tomorrow Charlene, Louis and ALL their family together with Gramma Gail and Graham's Mom & Sister will be here for Easter dinner. I'm not sure where everyone will sit but we'll manage somehow.

I love all the pictures posted on the blog. Emma is really hard to recognize! It's good to hear about what Arland is doing in China and to see how the great grandkids are growing. I love seeing how the house is coming along. It gives me goosepimples.

I just read this to Grampa. He says I'm pretty hard on him. That's just because I love him and love to tease him. He's a great support and goes along with whatever my little old heart desires.

We want you all to know how much we love each one of you and are delighted with our family. Thanks to Troy & Nancy for this blog.



The Hudkins Family said...

Thanx Mom,

I'm glad the blog has taken off like it has. I was wondering when I started it if it would fly, but from what I see, it is soaring above the clouds. I'm thankful for all the participation, it makes the miles of separation seem little closer.

Love you and Dad lots,
Troy and Nancy