Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More House

Well we have started to move along fast now. Cassidy and Patrick are out there everyday working with our new framer and they really like him. We have walls on the first floor and they started the sheeting for the second floor today. For those of you that don't know I am terrified of heights so when they finally got me to climb up between the floor joist so I could see the view I had them take pictures so I could say I did it. It is a beautiful view when you get to the top. At the end of the day we all like a little nerts to wind down. We should have more pictures in a few days.
Keep writing everyone we love hearing from everyone it makes us feel connected to you all.
Love Ya


The Hudkins Family said...

I wouldn't like it up there either, Nancy. And Dad would simply REFUSE to go!
