Monday, March 24, 2008

From The Rockies

We just received another e-mail from Arland, it is kind of long but here it goes, in Arlands own words...

today we went to a little market and we had 20 min to do some shopping... first time barderin I did really bad I think..... I probably could have gotten alot less... but it was copper that that is usally a little more expencive... I got it to half the price he was asking for it.... my second time I think I did better we bartered it down and I didn't have enough lefft in my wallet and he was like ohhh okkk that fine very goo and he took the money and left me with my bag... so I might have got a bad deal... but there are always other tries.... we went for lunch and I ate jelly fish... It was really slimy and looked like buggers and mucus... it had a sweeter taste and slid right down your throte.... then we went to the pearl market ...they had tones of pearls down ther at all kinds of prices one necalace was over 1 500 000 yaun (I almost bought it for you mom.. jk) It was crazy ..... there are soo many beautiful pearls... and the expencive were gold fresh water pearls from a place in china and it is only where those kind of pearls can be gotten... we had our first performance... we played with the best HS band in the best high school in bejing... I was relly surprised that the best High school was soo grubby inside.. our school looks way better inside and people pay thousands to put their kids into that school.... we sounded really bad compared to them.. they were as good as the u of l band we listened to... we ate supper in the school cafeteria with the schools band .. the people that I sat with only talked with each other in chinese and I tried to make small talk and it was really difficult..... driving places in the city takes a really long time and it is fun cuz in the bus people outside always stare at you and so you wave at them and they and a bunch of other people wave back to you... It is so funny... people are really friendly and they like to practice their english by talking to you... today was not as clear as yesterday but it was still nice...I could see the sun and sky...and then I am going to bed soon.. I have been keeping everything that I get like coupons and receipts.. in the stores it is kinda weird when you buy things.. there is someone at the place that is on you right away once you look at something and when you buy it they give you a recaipt that you bring to the till and pay and then the till stamps it and you bring the receipt back to the place you bought it and they give it to you packaged... but that is only in the big stores.. in the market you give the money to the person and then you don't get a recaipt back or even a bag for it... it is weird... I am going to try to barder way way lower than I did today... I only bardered twice though so I know what it is like...good night to every one and tell them I love them...

It sounds like he is really enjoying himself. Well we will keep you all posted as more comes in.

Love from garth/janene/emmmmmma


The Hudkins Family said...

Nice to hear how Arland is doing. Keep us posted. We can travel vicariously.
